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Spotlight on 2022 Grant Recipient Show artist Terry Lynn Spry


Terry Lynn Spry is one of sixteen artists who is exhibiting work in the Fort Myers 2022 Biennial Individual Artist Grant Recipient Show in the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center May 6-26. Her medium being oil on canvas, Terry Lynn loves to create paintings that tell stories. She considers painting the same as breathing and better than chocolate.

Spry’s paintings have been exhibited in both local and national juried shows. In 2021, she took part in the COVID-delayed Fort Myers 2020 Biennial Individual Artist Grant Recipient Show. Two years earlier, she took first place in Mirrors and Reflections at Arts for ACT Gallery and second place in Dia de Muertos at the Alliance for the Arts. In 2016, she received first prize honors in the Southwest Florida Art Council show at the Sidney & Berne Davis Art Center. She also won an honorable mention in 2021 in The Artist Magazine annual art competition.

A four-time Individual Artist Grant Recipient, Terry Lynn graduated from Phoenix Institute of Technology with a degree in production art. She studied under Nina Conner.

May 2, 2022.

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