‘Storm in the Barn’ play ...
Play: The Storm in the Barn Book: Adapted by Eric Coble from the graphic novel by Matt Phelan Genre: Fairy Tale,...

Performing and Visual Artists in the ...
SetThis is who and what’s creating news in Southwest Florida’s visual and performing arts community during the month...

‘Women Who Mapped the StarsR...
Play: The Women Who Mapped the Stars Playwright: Joyce Van Dyke Genres: Docudrama, historic, experimental...

‘Women Who Mapped the StarsR...
The Women Who Mapped the Stars is coming to Southwest Florida in February. But it is not being performed in the...

Performing and Visual Artists in the ...
This is who and what’s creating news in Southwest Florida’s visual and performing arts community during the month of...

‘Which Way to the Stage’ ...
Play: Which Way to the Stage Playwright: Ana Noguiera Genre: Comic drama Synopsis: Broadway superfans Jeff and...

Impact of Arts and Culture on Fort My...
In October of 2023, the Americans for the Arts released its Arts & Economic Prosperity 6 survey results. AEP6...

Performing and Visual Artists in the ...
This is who and what’s creating news in Southwest Florida’s visual and performing arts community during the month of...