‘The Eight’ play dates, t...
Play: The Eight: Reindeer Monologues Playwright: Jeff Goode Synopsis: Scandal erupts at the North Pole after one of...
In ‘Shooting,’ anything t...
Among the Strictly Local short films being screened by the Fort Myers Film Festival this week is Deborah Smith Ford’s...
‘Rest Stops of America’ e...
The Laboratory Theater of Florida will present an audio-visual hybrid film and stage production of Rest Stops of...
Mike Dinko
Mike Dinko is a local stage and film actor. Among his acting credits are Arthur Przysyszewski in The Studio...
Mike Dinko in cast of Lab’s ...
Opening for a limited, 3-performance run on May 26 at Lab Theater is a new play (which is actually still under...
Mike Dinko returns to Lab Theater sta...
Opening on March 10 at Lab Theater is Play On! Included in the large and talented cast of local actors is Mike Dinko....
Mike Dinko makes part of Sheldon Marc...
Okay, imagine you have some dirt on a candidate who is running for President of the United States. So you contact his...
Review of ‘An Empty Plate in th...
Beginning with last year’s Yoko Ono Imagine Peace exhibition at the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery and continuing through...