‘Crimes of the Heart’ play dates, times and ticket info
Playwright: Beth Henley
Synopsis: The story follows three sisters who have reunited for the first time in a decade at their Granddaddy’s house in Hazlehurst, Mississippi. Lenny Magrath is the eldest. She actually never left Hazlehurst, remaining in Hazlehurst to take care of the cantankerous old coot. It’s Lenny’s birthday, but the sisters seem to be having a little trouble celebrating the event. Meg is the middle sister. She left home for Los Angeles to pursue fame and fortune as a singer, but so far has only found happiness at the bottom of a bottle. Babe is the youngest, and has the most problems of the three. In fact, she’s just been arrested – for shooting her abusive husband, Zachary Bottrelle, who tried to kill the 15-year-old with whom Babe had been having an affair. Raised in a dysfunctional family with a penchant for ugly predicaments, the Magrath girls have
endured their fair share of hardship and misery. Past resentments bubble to the surface as the sisters are forced to deal with assorted relatives and past relationships while coping with Babe’s latest incident. In the end, each sister is forced to face the consequences of the “crimes of the heart” she has committed.
Lenny: Lucy Sundby
- Meg: Danielle Channell
- Babe: Holly Wilson
- Chick Boyle: Kayleigh O’Connell
- Doc Porter: Marshall Prater
- Barnette Lloyd: Justin Larsche
Director: Paul Graffy
Play Dates and Times: January 5, 6, 11, 12, 13, 18, 19 and 20 at 8:00 p.m., with 2:00 p.m. matinees on Sunday, January 14 and January 21
Tickets: $23 for adults, $20 for seniors/military, and $10 for students. To reserve your tickets, please telephone 239-218-0481 or visit http://LaboratoryTheaterFlorida.com.
Location: Laboratory Theater of Florida, 1634 Woodford Ave., Fort Myers 33919.
December 15, 2017.
- ‘Crimes of the Heart’ extends The Lab’s love affair with tragi-comedy
ARTSWFL’s review of Lab’s ‘Crimes of the Heart’
- Lucy Sundby is Lenny in Lab’s production of ‘Crimes of the Heart’
- Kayleigh O’Connell is Chick Boyle in Lab’s production of ‘Crimes of the Heart’
- ‘Crimes of the Heart’ play dates, times and ticket info