‘The Taming’ opens October 14
The Taming by Lauren Gunderson opens on Friday, October 14, at Theatre Conspiracy. Directed by producing Artistic Director Bill Taylor, the show explores themes about modern American political extremism, feminism and beauty queens, James Madison, the Democratic Republic of America, the GOP, Liberal angst and Shakespeare’s Taming of the Shrew. A crackling modern political farce, The Taming hilariously takes on America’s overheated political rhetoric and upends historical truths about our founding
When a conservative senatorial aid, a liberal political activist, and a very sparkly beauty queen find themselves locked in a hotel room, the political passions of these slightly insane women prove they might just be revolutionary geniuses.
Initially inspired by The Taming of The Shrew, Gunderson’s farce grew out of her desire to wrestle with potent elements inside the Bard’s playful and problematic battle of the sexes. Inside the heightened, cheerfully absurd world of The Taming, Gunderson spanks America’s sound bite politics with the switch of actual history and proves Shakespeare’s point that true debate is hot.
October 11, 2016.