‘The Gun Show’ review
A play previews tonight in the Foulds Theater inside the Alliance for the Arts. It’s called The Gun Show, and it...
Meet ‘Gun Show’ actor Mig...
Theatre Conspiracy’s production of E.M. Lewis’ The Gun Show previews on Wednesday, September 7, and opens Thursday,...
Meet ‘Gun Show’ playwrigh...
Theatre Conspiracy’s production of E.M. Lewis’ The Gun Show previews on Wednesday, September 7, and opens Thursday,...
‘Gun Show’ play dates and...
Theatre Conspiracy’s production of E.M. Lewis’ The Gun Show previews on Wednesday, September 7, and opens Thursday,...
‘Gun Show’ ticket informa...
Theatre Conspiracy’s production of E.M. Lewis’ The Gun Show previews on Wednesday, September 7, and opens Thursday,...
‘The Gun Show’ preview an...
Theatre Conspiracy’s production of E.M. Lewis’ The Gun Show previews on Wednesday, September 7, and opens Thursday,...
The Gun Show
Play: The Gun Show Playwright: EM Lewis Opens: September 7 Tag Line: Described by New City Stage as “Human, bold,...