Red carpet photos
It’s one of the most highly-anticipated events of the year. The women are decked out in jewels and floor-length gowns. Their escorts sport tuxes and dress suits. It’s the Fort Myers Film Festival opening night gala, and one of many highlights of the evening is the red carpet that lines the walkway between the Bob Rauschenberg Gallery and the Barbara B. Mann Performing Arts Hall on the Lee campus of Florida SouthWestern State College. It’s a
place for selfies. The papparazzi is on hand to snap pix as well. And this year, Fort Myers photographer Chris Kovaz (whose work has been featured in Dive Chronicles, Underwater Planet, Sport Fishing and Florida Sportsman) served as official photographer for the event.
And his red carpet photos are in!
“Of course we had world premieres, Florida premieres, and films that were inspiring and moving,” note Eric Raddatz, Melissa DeHaven and their esteemed crew. “We had local films, films that were named winning a Pulitzer yesterday and films that moved communities to action. But we hear you loud and clear—you want to see the photos! So enjoy, tag yourself and tell a friend what fun you had.”
Without further, here are the photos by Chris Kovaz photography.
Even if you missed this year’s gala, you’ll have fun scrolling through the red carpet shots, which include Eric, Amy and their lovely family, Melissa in her stunning white Mariapia Malerba Plexiglas gown, local artist Marcus Jansen and Examine & Report filmmaker John Scoular, rising star Kaycie Lee, the Downtown Diva and a host of other local luminaries and film lovers. The ladies are gorgeous, the guys handsome in their tuxes and suits. And next year, we’ll be looking at your picture too!
“For posts from our team and fans, and for information on our upcoming T.G.I.M. series, join our FACEBOOK PAGE. For updates, follow us on TWITTER.” You can also find more on Instagram.
“Thank you so much to our sponsors, venue partners and volunteers. Look in your email for a grand private VIP party next week!
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