Visual and Performing Artists and The...
This is who and what’s creating news in Southwest Florida’s visual and performing arts community this week: 1 ...
‘Save Hamlet’ play dates,...
Play: Save Hamlet Playwright: Mark Harvey Levine Genre: Parody Synopsis: Hamlet’s friends fight against evil kings,...
‘Save Hamlet’ continues L...
Extending its rich tradition of irreverent summer spoofs, the Laboratory Theater of Florida presents the world...
Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
‘Thanksgiving Play’ play ...
Play: The Thanksgiving Play Playwright: Larissa FastHorse (2020 MacArthur Fellow) Genre: Satire, comedy. Synopsis: ...
Southwest Florida premiere of ‘...
The Laboratory Theater of Florida is presenting Larissa FastHorse’s The Thanksgiving Play November 4-20. The...