#SLUT wins Best Made in GA at Southern Shorts Film Festival
#SLUT took Audience Favorite honors at this year’s Fort Myers Film Festival. In addition, #SLUT is the 2019 NYLA International Film Festival (LA) Best Student Film winner, 2019 Papaya Films Bursary winner, and the D Lacy Jr. Social Justice Award winner at the 2018 Studio City Int’l Film Festival. And it just won the Best Made in GA Award at the Southern Shorts Film Festival.
But there’s more.
#SLUT was also a Best Drama nominee at the 19th Annual FirstGlance Film Festival in Los Angeles and semi-finalist in the Content Creators of Atlanta Awards. Screenwriter/actor Sophia Watson individually received nominations for Breakout Performance and Best Young Actor at FirstGlance, with Director Jenna Kanell garnering a Best Director Award at the 15 Minutes of Fame Film Festival in Cocoa Beach earlier this year. It also screened August 1 at the Cobb International Film Festival and on September 7 at United Women of the Arts, which showcases women in Georgia’s TV and film industry.
And #SLUT isn’t done.
It screens November 1-3 at FirstGlance Philadelphia Film Festival 2019.
Sophia Watson just turned 19. Nineteen! So there’s more to come from this very talented, very imaginative filmmaker/actor who has her finger on the pulse of the topics of importance to the teens and young adults of today.
So please stand by.
September 9, 2019.