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‘Sunset Schmoulevard’ pla...

Play:  Sunset Schmoulevard Playwright:  Adapted by Annette Trossbach Genre:  Comedy, parody Synopsis: This is a...

‘Sunset Schmoulevard’ play dates, times and ticket info
posted on: May 24, 2021 | author: tom

‘Sunset Schmoulevard’ wil...

The Laboratory Theater of Florida will present the world premiere of Sunset Schmoulevard from June 11 through July 3....

‘Sunset Schmoulevard’ will have  you laughing all the way home
posted on: May 24, 2021 | author: tom

Actors, artists, directors, filmmaker...

Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Actors, artists, directors, filmmakers and events in the news May 22-31, 2021
posted on: May 22, 2021 | author: tom

Actors, artists, filmmakers and event...

Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Actors, artists, filmmakers and events in the news November 15-21, 2020
posted on: Nov 15, 2020 | author: tom

Actors, artists, filmmakers and event...

Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Actors, artists, filmmakers and events in the news November 8-14, 2020
posted on: Nov 8, 2020 | author: tom

‘Realish Housewives of Fort Mye...

Play:  The Realish Housewives of Fort Myers Playwrights: Chicago’s Second City Tim Sniffen (Death of a...

‘Realish Housewives of Fort Myers’ play dates, times and ticket info
posted on: Nov 1, 2020 | author: tom

Tune in to the ‘Realish Housewi...

Up next on Lab Theater’s LabTV virtual platform is The Realish Housewives of Fort Myers by Second City alum Tim...

Tune in to the ‘Realish Housewives’ for the fake smiles and the backstabbing
posted on: Nov 1, 2020 | author: tom

Actors, artists, filmmakers and event...

Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...

Actors, artists, filmmakers and events in the news April 8-14, 2020
posted on: Apr 8, 2020 | author: tom

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