Liz Abbott makes triumphant return to...
Theatre Conspiracy kicked off its 2017-2018 season on August 11 with Women in Jeopardy by Wendy McLeod. Modern, fun...
‘Women in Jeopardy’ provi...
Wendy McLeod’s Women in Jeopardy opened last night in the Foulds Theatre at the Alliance for the Arts. Theatre...
Holly Hagan is Amanda in Theatre Cons...
Theatre Conspiracy opens its 2017-2018 season on August 11 with Wendy McLeod’s Women in Jeopardy. It stars Liz...
Miguel Cintron plays dual roles in ...
Theatre Conspiracy opens its 2017-2018 season on August 11 with Wendy McLeod’s Women in Jeopardy. It stars Liz...
Spotlight on ‘Women in Jeopardy...
Theatre Conspiracy opens its 2017-2018 season on August 11 with Wendy McLeod’s Women in Jeopardy. It stars Liz...
Spotlight on ‘Women in Jeopardy...
Theatre Conspiracy opens its 2017-2018 season on August 11 with Wendy McLeod’s Women in Jeopardy. It stars Liz...
Abbott, Davis and Goldberg are women ...
Theatre Conspiracy’s 2017-2018 season kicks off on August 11 with Women in Jeopardy by Wendy McLeod. Modern, fun and...
Theatre Conspiracy 2017-2018 show sch...
Theatre Conspiracy’s 2017-2018 season includes beloved classics, comedic favorites and award-winning new plays from...