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‘Crucible’ play dates, times and ticket info


Play: The Crucible

Playwright: Arthur Miller

Synopsis: Things take a deadly turn when Reverend Parris finds a number of young women inappropriately dancing in the forest. To save themselves from punishment, they claim they’ve been bewitched by various townspeople. Once these girls, who have never had any voice or control, get a taste of the power that their claims wield, is there anything they won’t do to get everything they desire?

Director: Annette Trossbach

Assistant Directors: Rachel Burttram Powers and Kendra Weaver

Stage Manager: Misha Ritter Polomsky

Cast: Steven Coe, Imani Williams, Paul Graffy, Melanie Payne, TJ Albertson, Kinley Gomez, Casey Davis, Lauren Miller, Todd Lyman, Ruthgena Augustin, Patrick Ashton, Art Keen, Daniel Sabiston, Heather Johnson, Mike Dinko, Corey Kane, Isabel Isenhower, Elizabeth Mora, Emmie Spiller and Tamicka Armstrong.

Play Dates and Times: September 20, 21, 26, 27 & 28 and October 3, 4, 5, 10, 11 & 12 at 8:00 p.m. with 2:00 p.m. matinees on September 22 & 29 and October 6 & 12

Tickets: Tickets are available to purchase on or by calling the box office at 239-218-0481. For additional savings, guests may purchase a 2018-2019 Season Pass. Florida teachers are offered buy-one-get-one tickets for this production; teachers are urged to call 239-218-0481 to make their reservations.

Special Events:

  • September 19 – Half-price preview night.
  • September 20 – Opening Night Reception. There will be an opening night reception, sponsored by Publix, starting at 7:15 p.m. on Friday the 20th of September.
  • September 21 – Teen Night. For teens, there will be a cast and crew meet & greet with pizza generously donated by Downtown House of Pizza starting at 6:30 p.m. on Saturday the 21st of September, followed by a complimentary performance for the teenagers; reservations are required.
  • September 29 – Community talkback. There will be an audience talkback immediately after the performance on Sunday, the 29th of September.

Place:  Laboratory Theater of Florida, 1638 Woodford Ave., Fort Myers.

August 18, 2019.

N.B. Photo: Back row Isabel Isenhower, Ruthgena Augustin. Front row: Emmie Spiller, Kinley Gomez, Summer Meade. Courtesy Paula Sisk.

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