‘Illusion of Death’ play dates, times and cast
Play: The Illusion of Death
Playwright: Wende’ K. Bowman
Genre: Mystery
Synopsis: Escape artist Barry Boudini and his wife and assistant, Lillie, are on train bound for Sarasota for a private performance at John and Mable Ringling’s mansion on the Gulf of Mexico. Accompanying the Boudinis are Barry’s personal physician and trusted confidante, Dr. Patterson, the Mystic Zanzibar, who has been invited by the Ringlings to lead a séance in their home, Barry’s jealous brother and former partner, Benjamin, and Ben’s assistant Isabelle Garrison, a fiery force in her own right who was also Barry’s assistant once upon a time. What could possibly go wrong?
Director: Troy Nelson
Producer: Hannah Fay and The Fay Family
- Lillie Boudini: Kristen Blackwell-Vigneri, Louise K. Cornetta and Heidi Merendino
Dr. Patterson: Troy Nelson
- The Mystic Zanzibar: John Sebastian Alday
- Benjamin Boudini: John E. Repa
- Isabelle Garrison: Emma Luke-Said and Coda Marx
- Understudies: Elizabeth D’Onofrio, Hannah Fay and Katelyn O’Boyle
Murder Mystery Dinner Train Venue: The Seminole Gulf Murder Mystery Dinner Train is a unique dining experience where guests enjoy a five-course meal while participating in a live murder mystery show on a moving train. The show unfolds during the meal, creating an entertaining and interactive experience for passengers.
Dates and Times: Illusion of Death performs now through Wednesday, July 31. Trains depart from the Colonial Boulevard train station (located at 2805 Colonial Blvd, Fort Myers FL 33966) promptly at 6:30, except of Sundays and certain holidays, when the departure time is 5:30. Guests are requested to arrive and check-in at least forty-five minutes (45 minutes) (3/4 hour) before the posted departure time. Guests may board the train once it has arrived at the station. Go here for a complete list of remaining play dates and times: https://semgulf.com/schedule/.
Running Time: The standard running time of a Murder Mystery Dinner Train ride is 3 1/2 hours.
Seating: Seating is four people per table. Tables are fixed and aligned along either side of the central aisle.
June 5, 2024.