With ‘Sordid Lives,’ Bria...
Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives provides actor Brian Linthicum a certain level of synchronicity in a world...
SoDis doing virtual reading of ‘...
The Laboratory Theater of Florida will present a SoDis (socially distant) reading of Del Shores’ cult classic...
Actors, artists, filmmakers and event...
Grouped under headings that include art openings, film, outdoor art fairs and festivals and theater are advances,...
Ken Johnson’s performance as Br...
On stage for ten scintillating performances at Lab Theater is Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives. The show...
Chet Gridley makes acting debut as Od...
On stage for ten scintillating performances at Lab Theater is Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives. The show...
Drew Larman’s role as Ty Willia...
On stage for ten scintillating performances at Lab Theater is Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives. The show...
Stacy Peres plays role of Sissy Hicke...
On stage for ten scintillating performances at Lab Theater is Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives. The show...
Sandra Dixon takes ownership of the r...
On stage for ten scintillating performances at Lab Theater is Del Shores’ cult classic Sordid Lives. The show...